07979751972 & 01531 631943
07979751972 & 01531 631943
07979751972 & 01531 631943

Caroline Bousfield Gregory

Caroline Bousfield, Craftsman Potter
Clay is the most wonderful responsive stuff in one’s hands until fired in the kiln, when it becomes durable and the objects all strong and usable.
I am inspired by experimenting with the variety of ceramic techniques, by cooking and serving food, and by my lovely customers who make comments and requests and then enjoy the results in use in their daily lives. The user completes each pot with content and emotion.
I no longer have a shop at my workshop for my stoneware pottery, but I am happy to receive visitors by appointment and to discuss projects and exchange pictures by email and Whatsapp for sale or a commission.

Wisteria Cottage,
New Street,
Herefordshire HR8 2EA
United Kingdom
Tel: 07979751972
01531 631943